Greta the Goat Looking for a Friend is a story of a special friendship. A friedship that grows when you least expect it.
Greta the goat was grazing on a mountain pasture. She got lost. She had nobody to roam around the mountain with during the day. And the nights Seemed especially scary. During one quiet night she deard a lot of strange voices that scared her. She bleated, frightened: “Heeeey, is there anyone out there?”
“Anyone out there” resounded in the dark night. Greta’s face lightened up. She thought she heard a friendly goat.
In Mountains stories Collection also: Greta the Goat Fulfils a Christmas Wish …
The book is also available in Slovenian language.
Koza Klara išče prijateljico je zgodba o posebnem prijateljstvu. Prijateljstvu, ki se splete, ko najmanj pričakuješ.
Na gorskem pašniku se je pasla koza Klara. Izgubila se je. Nikogar ni imela, s komer bi se podnevi potikala po planini. Noči pa so se ji zdele še posebej strašne. V tihi noči je slišala polno čudnih glasov, ki so jo plašili.
“Je kdo tu?” je zadonelo v temno noč. Klari se je obraz nekoliko razvedril. Zdelo se ji je, da sliši prijateljico kozo.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.