Christmas in the forest, slikanica, ki je izšla v angleščini
This is not a fairy tale about animals with incredible, miraculous, mysterious powers – these animals are just like us, wanting Christmas to be as beautifula as posible. Sophie Squirrel collests nuts, Florence Fox bakes gingerbread cookies, the wolf and his cubs make excellent candy canes … But someone steals all the goodies and decorations. Who is this thief who wants everything? And why does he take it?
The ansvet to that question lies in this story, and as you read, you too will discover the most important thing about Christmas.
In Forest stories collection also Badger the Expert and The Secret of the Full Moon …
Božič v gozdu
To ni pravljica o živalih, ki imajo neverjetne, čudežne, skrivnostne lastnosti – te živali so podobne vsem nam. Želijo si, da bi bili božični prazniki čim lepši, zato veverica nabere oreščke, lisica speče medenjake, volk z mladičkoma pa pripravi imenitne sladkorne palčke … A pozor! Nenadoma nekdo v svoj brlog odnese vse dobrote in okraske. Kdo je to? Je gozdni tat, ki želi vse le zase, ali morda kdo drug?
Odgovor skriva slikanica, ki jo boste skupaj prebrali, ob tem pa razmislili še o tem, kaj je najpomembnejše, če želimo tudi mi pripraviti imenitno božično praznovanje.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.