Teeth – An Educational and Interesting Look
This book about teeth wil help students in their schoolwork, when they creating posters, when they are writing reports. They will also be attracted by the entries on animal teeth, on the history of dentistry, and by the other interesting things this beautifully illustrated book has to offer. Even the youngest readers will be able to relate to stories about the tooth fairy, the tooth mouse, the magic magpie, and the customs association with losing baby teeth in various parts of the world.
Zobje – poučno in zabavno
Šolarjem bo knjiga s podanim znanjem o zobeh v pomoč pri šolskem delu, zdelovanju plakatov in referatov … Pritegnili jih bodo tudi poglavja o zobovju različnih živali, o zgodovini zobozdravstva ter druge zanimivosti, ki jih lepo dopolnjujejo vrhunske ilustracije. Najmlajši pa se bodo našli v zgodbah o zobni vili, zobni miški, čarobni sraki in navadah, povezanih z izpadlim mlečnim zobkom, na različnih koncih sveta.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.