Kevin the mole finds the book – Helena Kraljič, Rebecca Harry

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Kevin the mole finds the book, slikanica v zbirki Seasons, ki je izšla v angleščini.

Kevin the Mole finds a book. It fascinates him so much that he takes it into his home and forgets all about his friends. But his friends do not forget about him. They set off to check on the mole and see, why he hasn’t been around lately. It is quite possible that he needs their help. And it is quite likely that the new adventure will bring them even closer together.



Krt Vinko najde knjigo. Tako ga prevzame, da jo odnese v svoj dom in čisto pozabi na prijatelje. Prijatelji pa ne pozabijo nanj. Vzamejo pot pod noge in gredo pogledat, zakaj krta ni na spregled. Čisto mogoče je, da potrebuje njihovo pomoč. In precej verjetno, da jih bo nova dogodivščina še bolj zbližala in povezala.


In Seasons collection also: Birthday present, Sarah the centipede seeks a husband



Teža 484 g
Dimenzije 23 × 31,5 cm
Avtor Helena Kraljič
Ilustrator Rebecca Harry
Prevajalec Fiona Thompson
Število strani 32
Vezava Trda vezava
Leto izdaje 2023


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