Sophie and the Swan Lake!
Sophia is looking forward to her new dance role. Of course, her dad is a very important spectator of the ballet performance, but what happens if he has to go on a business trip … What a terrible disappointment that would be! What could be more important than your daughter’s performance? Don’t go to work! Dad, well …
Will he truly not come? Read the picture book and you will see what is most important to dad. All the meetings, all the business trips, all the business successes cannot replace a single smile of his daughter. A dad is a dad first, Tone Pavček once wrote. How right he was! Sophia’s dad is also first and foremost a dad who knows his princess desperately needs him!
In this collection also: Sophie and the Ballet Slippers …
The book is also available in Slovenian language.
Sofija in Labodje jezero
Sofija se veseli nove plesne vloge. Očka je seveda nadvse pomemben gledalec baletne predstave, a kaj, ko mora na službeno pot … Kakšno razočaranje! Kaj je lahko pomembnejše od hčerkinega nastopa? Kakšna službena pot! Očka, no …
Pa res ne bo prišel? Preberite slikanico in boste videli, kaj je očku zares najpomembnejše v življenju. Vsi sestanki, vsa službena potovanja, vsi poslovni uspehi ne odtehtajo enega samega hčerkinega nasmeha. Tata je najprej tata, je nekoč zapisal Tone Pavček. Kako prav je imel! Tudi Sofijin očka je najprej in predvsem očka, ki ve, da ga njegova princeska nujno potrebuje.
Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.